Sunday, June 29, 2008


Finally, found the time and means to upload a picture here....a very dusty looking Ed playing at his favorite spot at my parents' place. Right at this moment as I am frantically hitting keys on my laptop, he's sound asleep. His sleeping patterns are topsy turvy these days. He may either fall asleep very early and be the alarm clock the following day or he may stay awake till late at night and wake up late morning. Pity him because we have to carry him then(which would of course wake up a grouchy 'baby') to send him to my parents before my bro sends him to nursery. Nursery doesn't open till 7 a.m. but I have to leave early as not to acquire a very red print on the punchcard.

That's it for now....enjoy what is left of a blissful weekend amigos, coz I am with a bunch more of chores to finish before Ed wakes up ;-p Is that blissful then? Hahahaha. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice capture of ed's expression :)